Physical Wellbeing
HUmanitree Physical Wellbeing Program
At Humanitree we give a high priority to the theme of health and healthy living. This begins with our staff as role models and our parents supporting the school with healthy living. We also recognize there is a balance to be struck and avoid extreme points of view such as specific fad diets or regimens. Through PE, Science and Social Science our students learn about their bodies at an age appropriate level and how to make healthy choices.
Humanitree Medical Services
At Humanitree we have full time medical staff to provide direct care to our students and staff. They treat injuries, sudden onset of illness during school time and offer long term support for students with specific health care needs. Our medical team also screens for health conditions and promotes a healthy school environment. They ensure the physical and emotional safety of the school community by monitoring immunizations, which are compulsory for all Humanitree students, ensuring appropriate exclusion for infectious illnesses, and reporting communicable diseases. In addition, our medical team looks out for the safety of the children by monitoring playgrounds, air quality, lunches and potential hazards.
Our medical experts contribute to health education by providing information to individual students and groups of students through health education, science, and other activities.
Our Humanitree medical staff enjoy a special connection with their students and parents, always keeping an open communication and respecting confidentiality. Documentation of student health information is continually updated.
Humanitree Kitchen
At Humanitree we have a professional grade kitchen and full time catering staff. Healthy balanced meals and snacks are provided from Monday to Thursday. Humanitree meals are healthy, tasty and well-balanced. We aim to help students make healthy choices and enjoy the social interaction that takes place during lunchtime. We are able to cater to common allergies or dietary requirements, however, we are not set up to cater for more detailed specific, dietary needs, diets or regimens.